

Initial Space Allocations

You can find the initial space allocations here: <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VBJsb0FpIcA0qEohYq_StNQOz6GZkEhHtvVhnynsx7U/edit?usp=sharing>. If you are not happy with the current allocations, you can appeal by filling out this form: <https://cglink.me/2cy/s504>. Appeals are due Sunday, 12/03/2023 at 11:59pm.

LEF/ARCADE Winter Cycle Applications

LEF/ARCADE winter applications <https://cglink.me/2cy/s505> are open now until December 8th. This cycle covers events from January to March. No extension will be allowed unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Please review the funding guidelines <https://asa.mit.edu/lefarcade-descriptions-guidelines> before applying. In addition, please consider applying for other funding sources <https://asa.mit.edu/group-resources/group-funding> as we expect that LEF/ARCADE will be very competitive.

ASA-Official Listeners

Not getting ASA-Official emails because you're not in an ASA group, not in an ASA group, or not on the exec list? Add yourself to <asa-official-listeners@mit.edu>! Recieve emails and information about New Groups Applications, LEF/ARCADE applications, CPW and REX Midway group signups, and other important notices!