ASA-recognized groups are subject to rules and responsibilities which are enumerated in this section of the site. Below is a summary of group responsibilities. Please explore the site to find our policies on space and bulletin board allocations, postering, and keys.
Annual Re-Registration
Each year groups are required to re-register their group with the ASA by submitting an officer response form including an agreement to abide by MIT's non-discrimination policy and the MA state hazing law and having at least five current students confirm their active membership in the group. The purpose of registering annually is so that group leaders can check and update their officer and signatory information at the end of the year and to find any groups that have become inactive throughout the year.
Attendance to General Body Meetings
ALL RECOGNIZED STUDENT GROUPS MUST ATTEND THE GENERAL BODY MEETING. The ASA Board advertises the General Body Meeting by an ASA-official email which is sent to all groups two weeks prior to the meeting. The meetings are a vital way for the Board to present the year’s accomplishments as well as hold elections. Failure to attend General Body Meetings can result in penalties or derecognition. The Board wishes to stress the importance of these meetings. They are at least once per term, for about two hours – a very small time commitment by any comparison.
Changes to Documents
Any changes that a group wishes to make to their Constitution must be approved by the ASA Board. This request can be done by emailing the ASA Executive Board. If it is a minor change that would not affect ASA requirements, then the changes can be approved by email. However, a hard copy of the new Constitution will then have to be given to the ASA to be filed in with the group’s other papers. If the requested change is a major one, the group may be asked to meet with the Board.
Updating Mailing Lists and Database Information
Each group is responsible for updating its mailing lists and database information. If these updates are not made, the current officers of a group will be unable to receive important information from the ASA. Only students listed as officers in the database can update database information. The ASA is not responsible for ensuring that new officers have been added to their group's email list or that their database pages are kept up to date.