The ASA no longer maintains mailboxes for groups in the W20-4 hallway. Groups can receive mail addressed to W20-500 (the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement office) where it will be sorted by group and can be picked up any time during business hours. Make sure the mail has the name of the group on it.
Please direct mail to:
[Name of group]
Room W20-500
84 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02139
Groups may receive packages delivered to the above address. The packages will be accepted by the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement (SOLE) staff and they will email you when they receive a package for your group. The group is then responsible for picking the package up from W20-500 during business hours. If you are expecting particularly bulky package(s), then it would useful for you to to speak with SOLE in advance to plan for handling the delivery.